Exsa’s Risk Co-ordination Services – “Walking our Talk”
Exsa has implemented customized Quality Management Systems (QMS) for every packhouse in the group.
These were built on HACCP principles and standards to ensure that all our producers comply with Good Agriculture Practices (GAP). EXSA has some of the most advanced agriculture practices, including up-to-date production and handling practices. Together with the “Food Chain Partnership” we have strict control and use of agrochemicals. Samples are regularly sent for testing at an accredited laboratory.
MRL (maximum residue levels) are tested in order to ensure that they comply with market requirements. Worker hygiene and sanitation is constantly monitored in order to ensure the safety of our product.
Accreditations include industry approved good agricultural practices and ethical audits.
EXSA uses a Logistical System known as DiPAR, which has been written and maintained solely for the use by the Fruit Export Industry. Each carton has a unique label, known as the ‘carton label’, which identifies the exact origin of the fruit.
This label indicates who the Producer is, by identifying his PUC code, it also indicates at which Pack House (PHC) this specific carton was packed, as well as the Date Packed and from which Vineyard the fruit was picked. Similarly, each pallet has a unique label, known as the ‘Pallet Label’, which is used to maintain traceability of each pallet that EXSA ships, which is essential for payment purposes, as well as other Management Accounting Practices.