Representatives from Australia’s Costa Group visit Exsa’s Hex variety evaluation block


Aussie visitors and Exsa hosts in Exsa’s Hex variety evaluation block. From Left to Right: Steve Burdette, Costa Group Business Development and Nursery Manager, Werner Naude, Exsa Technical Support, Amancio Cuesta, Costa Group Technical Manager and Reynecke Viljoen,  Exsa New Variety Evaluator.

The visitors from the Costa Group were interested to see what progress Exsa had made in the evaluation of new varieties and if there were any that were suitable for cultivation in their production regions.

Costa is Australia’s largest private producer, marketer and exporter of premium quality fresh fruit and vegetables. The group is one of the few vertically integrated businesses in the Australian Fresh produce sector. Their core produce categories include grapes, avocados, bananas, citrus, berries, tomatoes and mushrooms.

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